I so do enjoy watching the occasional train wreck that is disguised as the bad auditions on American. Last night's show featured a contestant for the most boring 18 year-old in the world. When queried by Simon on what his wildest dreams were, the fellow dryly responded, "owning a modest house with nice marble floors" or something like that.
I admit that my 18-year old fantasies mostly revolved around getting laid (shocking) and being mega-rich so I could afford to keep the eye candy that would get me laid. I wonder if American Idol would air the descriptions, though, of the wildest of those dreams. I doubt I'll ever fulfill the making out with a complete stranger on stage in a live sex show fantasy. But you never know what will happen. After all, I never expected to ever watch porn being filmed, something which I crossed off the bucket list sometime last year.
8 months ago
That cat was a strange one. I bet he winds up working for NASA.
Physics sucks.
Well, aspiring to have marble floors is pretty adventurous. They can be quite dangerous when wet.
Kona: Physics geeks are second to math geeks in terms of nerdiness.
Simon: that's why I've stuck with the ceramic tiles for my bathroom and kitchen. Heaven forbid anything exciting ever happening in those rooms.
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